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Universal Chairside Space Maintainer

About This Product

NuSmile Universal Chairside Space Maintainers offer a highly practical answer to the problem of space drift, which can occur following the early loss of primary molars. Providing a cost-effective alternative, these space maintainers come at just a third of the price of a similar device that would be custom-made in a lab. In this way, they offer an affordable yet effective method to ensure the appropriate spacing is preserved in the oral cavity after the premature loss of primary molars.



  • Universal Design: Band designed for both maxillary and mandibular tooth anatomy, reduces inventory by one-half.
  • Shorter Tube Design: No trimming or cleaning of metal debris is required, saving you valuable chair time.
  • Strong: Strong laser welded joint for enhanced durability.
  • Single Width: Wires/loops are available in only one size, reducing inventory. Optimal curvature and height to reduce slip and tissue impingement on primary or permanent cuspids.
  • Less cost than other brands.



Available in a full range of sizes: 23-42 with ½ sizes.

  • Refills.
  • Starter Kit.